Celebrating over 200 Maps and 20 Years!

Celebrate with us! At the end of 2024 we posted our 201st map for the Bible Mapper Atlas and finished cataloging over 70,000 freely available photos for over 650 ancient locations, bringing to completion 5 rewarding years of work. Now the start of 2025 marks the 20th anniversary of biblemapper.com and Bible Mapper software. So in celebration of over 200 maps and 20 years, we are offering registration keys for Bible Mapper 5.1 at $20.00 all year long! Please pass the word along about our high quality digital Bible map resources (most of them free!) and our $20 registration key offer.

Here is a complete list of all our resources:

Bible Mapper Atlas: Free, high-quality, digital Bible maps & photos
WebViewer: An online tool to find Bible places & photos
Image Fetcher: An online catalog of photos for hundreds of Bible places
Bible Mapper Software: A high quality tool for making your own custom maps (all the maps in the Bible Mapper Atlas have been created with this software)
TimeGlider: An online, scrollable timeline of Bible events
PassageBrowser: An online Bible browser that displays related Bible maps right next to the passage